Have you guys read that these aminos are considered bad for LD patients? (We had a thread a few months ago that touched on this topic) They are believed to support the growth of the bacteria. I'm not sure I believe they are things we should avoid, or even minimize. I'm curious though about
everyone's complete protein intake and if it seems to effect your symptoms.
Complete proteins are ones that include all the essential amino acids in amounts best suited for tissue repair in humans. Stuff like soy, milk, eggs, all meat, and nuts are examples of complete proteins. These are the foods highest in Arginine and Glutamic Acid. Rice, potatoes, and most all vegetables are low in these aminos. I consume probably about 100 grams a day of complete proteins, mostly in the form of egg whites and whey powder. I function pretty well, but since I've followed a relatively high protein diet since before I first got sick 37 months ago I can't say if I'd be less symptomatic on a lower protein diet.
Please share info about your diets. Most helpful I think would be anyone who's gone from a high to low protein diet, or vice versa, and seen changes in their condition.