Even when I am feeling better and go into denial about
this is what makes me know that something more serious than depression/fatigue/anxiety/bad back/ bad neck, muscles and joints feeling inflamed -- is going on. All that could possibly be separated and explained. But:
Had a relatively pain free day yesterday and my mood was not too bad. I awoke at 4am with pain that is exactly like the flu -- total body aching -- and this time, a low fever -- just under 100. Nearly 2 yrs ago, this happened once or twice per week. It is very irregular now, and it seems to happen after I've been feeling fairly OK otherwise. Also, it used to be that after I arose, showered and took something for fever, I was ok for the day and went to work -- it subsided. Not so this time. Maybe it is the flu this time, but it is so repetitive and out of the blue (no warning of symptoms coming on), I want to know if anyone else experiences something like this?
Also, I experience differing kinds of pain:
1) what I described above, I go periods w/o it and then it always happens in the nite, out of the blue.
2) Muscles and joints that feel inflamed, sore, sometimes feel bruised, or like having worked them out. When this happens, it is also total body: sore mouth, sore gums, the works. Maybe 3 days per week? I think?
3) Skeletal like pain -- constant, but occasionally subsiding, then worsening. The neck pain and stiffness, back and pelvic pain. Entire body feels so stiff and tight it feels like muscle spasms all over. When walking, I feel like a rigid stick man -- everything is tight. Xanax sometimes helps a little, sometimes not, plus I don't want to get accustomed to too much.
Does this make any sense? (I have to go back to work and will check back later. )