WEll, at least this is an admission of a real disease and not something 'in someone's head' (or psychological incident from someone's past). But it still seems to beat around the Lyme bush. I'm far from brilliant, but this doesn't seem as scientifically sensible as many scientific articles I've read about
Lyme disease. And unless the 'stealth viruses' can be applied to syphillis and late stage syphillis as well, I think they're missing a mark, as similar as these spirochetes and diseases are.
Also, at least there's an admission of a causitive virus in chronic fatigue syndrome. That helps.
Do we know anything about the CCID? I'll try researching later, but as (was it Veromia?) said -- it's strange that no researchers put their name on this. So it's not like someone's 'published' a significant scientific paper.