Hi scorpio1960. What is the range for the T4? Is the T4 or Free T4? It is very important to have the Free T3 and Free T4 levels tested. Have you ever had your thyroid antibodies tested?
Some people, including myself, get a suppressed TSH (below normal) even when the Free T levels could use improvement. I take Armour also. As soon as I started it, my TSH became suppressed. I still had symptoms and my Free T levels were below normal. For years, doctors told me I was on too much thyroid medication soley because my TSH was low. I continued to have symptoms. I finally found a doctor who was willing to work with my symtpoms and my Free T levels. He has helped me more in six months than all the other doctors combined over the years.
There are some excellent thyroid books. If you would like some recommendations, let me know. A couple of good thyroid sites are: