I'm sorry, I have not been able to keep up on here! And now I have to leave for the day again -- it is my dogs' and kids' day. But I'll come back.
Few days ago (or was it longer), there was a thread on here about a yahoo bartonella group. The poster said that he/she had more symptoms of bart than lyme, so the group was mainly bart folks.
I had wanted to post the question: What particular symptoms of bart are you seeing/experiencing that do not seem to be particular to lyme? That differ?
Is this post gone or did I not go back far enough? see you later! EVERYONE PLEASE TAKE CARE.
My aches and pains are back (still not as bad as most of you), I've got my apple cidar vinegar w/ Mother, an LLMD appt this week, and I intend to kick some sprio/bart/babs A--S!
My entire body is totally FREE of all pain, disease and fatigue!!
...... yeah, right......