Hi guys, How are you?
Thanks for the responses! I had my computer cleaned of a virus, and now just realized that my healingwell notices have been going into my spam box. I was disappointed thinking I hadn't gotten any responses.
Thanks for the link Gracie'smom I will take a look in a moment.
I started with 2mg (today actually was my first day). Jendays, did you also notice a sleep issue initially?
Hey, how did it affect your sleep, Ticker? Were you hyper? Thanks for the info on the nyc pharmacy. I think I'm up here in the boonies now (near sussex nj).
I was a bit angry when I picked it up-- isn't the purpose of compounding to get non-toxic medication? Why are my capsuls blue and yellow?? I went to a new local pharmacy, I guess I should feel lucky that I found a compounding place out here. The pharmacists had never heard of this drug being used in small doses.
GM, I will look up Scorpio and give her info (she may have gotten it already). I did remember that you guys were considering this drug.
Does anyone here know how to get this site off my spam blocker radar? I have forgotten... will go into internet options and play around.
Thanks again guys hope you are well.