hi - I am currently on abx. for 'suspected lyme' -
I just want to tell you all a bit about how this started - I live in U.K. - following a tick bite [ tick was attatched for about 36 hrs. - was very engorged [ like a balloon!] - and I removed it in 'completely the wrong way'.
never heard of lyme disease at the time.
maybe a month after the tick bite - got very stiff neck very bad shoulder - rib - pain - my diaphragm area was very tight - etc; - did not connect the 'tick bite with this - who would? - [never having heard of lyme]
long story short - someone mentioned 'fibromyalgia' [ I had never heard of this either] - whilst researching 'fibro' I came across lyme - the reason for this post is I guess to say that the symptoms of fibro. - with its 4 weekly flares, etc; leads me to believe that everyone with 'fibromyalgia' symptoms
should be treated with abx. - as we all know how unreliable lyme testing is - I don't see the harm in a trial of abx.
just curious to what others think?