Dowa, sorry, I have to go from memory (LYME memory..... ) this is about
all I can remember about
him. His segment was very short. He was maybe early 30ish? (but I'm bad guessing age). He was dark haired, white guy, and seems like he was wearing a sweater.
Only shows him from just below the shoulders and up.
There is an intense look in his eyes, sort of an 'anger, frustration, questioning' look. If I didn't know he was talking about Lyme, I would think he had Tourette's. (in fact, maybe Lyme has caused his tourettes?).
As he talks, as best I recall, his shoulders twitch kind of upward like a jerking kind of shrug. (FREQUENTLY) And he has them bad -- it's continuous in his segment.
Anyone here is free to describe him better, cause I don't claim the best of memories. Maybe I'll try a search on him. Keep this in mind: That he appeared afflicted w/ Tourette's stuck in my mind -- except his face and speech were normal, except for that look in his eyes.
He says something about if he dies, he hopes his death will help others.
Best I can do unless/until I can find him again.