Mokey and others: you will see my similar complaints in my 'rehab' post. At the onset of Lyme, I went thru complete and total meltdown mentally and emotionally. It was severe. It still is, tho it comes and goes. It is like a demon is nearby and zaps me, generally daily. You are not alone, even tho I understand the suffering alone that you are going thru is unbearabe.
Not long after starting Amox I began it again and it is at many times unbearable. Comtemplation of suicide is a part of it, altho I am able to hang onto the thoughts I know I don't want to do it. I try to ignore it and it won't leave. I just try to keep moving and in the evening my xanax does help. I know xanax is addictive, but I will use it to stop the muscle spasms and total body stiffness. I will have to deal w/ that addiction later. It does provide a warm, fuzzy feeling, relief from relentless anxiety and helps improve mental state at bedtime.
Seems more people here attribute this to a herx than the abx or the disease. I stopped the Amox for afew days and was relieved of this horrible depressin, alto I did not feel well. I have started it back and will try to get thru it. If this is a herx, then I am proceeding towards improvement. Try your best to rememer this, OK?
At the very least, at least altogether we are learning a LOT. I hope we are then able to hlep may people.
pcpc: what is a limbic seizure?