Anyone? Head felt too heavy for neck and then turning it certain ways invoked a tremor sometimes. Been happening the last two days. Also a clicking sound in the head at one point-like the bone or something. Get this clicking or twitching in my arms too- like its near the bone-also twitching in the stomach. neck or head tremors a sign of potential seizure??
Update on Progress- went to nautropath today and she wants to put me on heavy doses of paracidin (anti parasite formula) and gall bladder and kidney support. She did QRA testing or quantum reflex testing and said i have microscopic parasites- real bad- possibly lyme as these qualify as microscopic parasites but she thinks it might be something else too. She suggests 48 caps a day of the parasite formula and same for the gall bladder formula. I feel a little nervious about taking such large amounts. I have no clue what to do at this point especially since all the supplements she wants me on cost 1,676.10 total. we will have to take out a loan to do this and i'm just not sure how smart that is at this point. Maybe this is why people don't go to nautropaths! I wish the natural way to do things was just a bit more affordable.