No problem. The only thing I am not sure of is doing it while you are on antibiotics because I dont know if they will effect it or not. Also encase you have other questions you can email me at
[email protected].
I got all my supplements at the vitamin shoppe. I looked around and they were the cheapest. I got their brand. Except for the probiotic - I take PB-8, which I also get from the vitamin shoppe. Also, sometimes it is cheaper in the store than online and vice versa. Another site I just heard about
is VitaCost. You might want to compare prices.
I also want to warn you that I had really bad die off with this. On my 3rd day I could barely lift my head. The only time I did was to vomit.. .alot. I had the shakes, chills, sweats, but it was the yeast dying and coming out of me. I felt 100% the next day. It was amazing. I plan on doing it again once I take a break from the meds I'm on.
Here are the instructions on the Yeast Protocol.
What to get:
1. olive leaf extract and caprylic acid.
2. PB-8
3. Glutamine Powder
4. A good multi-enzyme
How to take them
1. First thing in the morning, take the glutamine powder. (Before you eat)
2. Take the olive leaf extract and caprylic acid.. Take the olive leaf/caprylic combination, use up one or two bottles, starting with one a day of each for a week or two, and increasing to two or more a day.
3. Take the enzymes. It probably wouldn't hurt to keep taking these for the rest of your life.
4. Take the probiotic. You will need to do this for the rest of your life. 3. At lunch or whenever you eat, take the enzymes.
5. In the evening, take the glutamine powder again.