I am a thrirty-seven year old mom of three who is at the end of her ropes. I know I am sick but now I'm as confused as ever. My lab tests came back like this...
I am ANA positive with homogenous pattern.
I am Lyme positive (by ELISA)
I am EBV positive- convalescent stage
I have an elevated SED RATE.
I don't know if I should be refered to a rheumatologist of an infectious disease doctor?
I have been really sick for a while. Diagnosed as FIBROMYALGIA by my primary care doctor and put on Pristique to help increase my seritonin. My symptoms include (but are not limited to) extreme fatigue, weight loss (>25 lbs less than my normal weight), numbness in toes, carpal-tunnel like syndrome in hands, raynaulds syndrome, intolerance to extreme heat and cold, anxiety, constant headache, fever of unknown origin (3months now at range of 99.6 to 102), hand tremors, did I mention extreme fatigue_worth mentioning again because all I want to do is sleep, intolerance to loud sounds, strong smells- do I sound like a hypocondriac(sp?). I'm really not. Please help. Am I going insaine? Am I really sick? What do you all think. Who should I go to to get help?
Is it LYME or LUPUS or what?
Any advice is much appreciated. I don't trust my G.P. doctor.