I can't help with the Babs. Fortunately I don't have it.
I assume you have a chlamydia pneumonia infection (Cpn). Most people know this as "walking pneumonia". If it's in the acute stage, it's usually pretty easy to clear up. A good portion of the adult population has had it at one time or another. Were your IgM's positive?
If Cpn gets entrenched - it moves out of the lungs and goes deep- tissue. I think usually your IgA's will be positive if you have this.
Cpn is a "bad actor" in all kinds of things - MS, chronic fatigue, fibro - it's been recovered in plaques from hardening of the arteries. It's not known if it's a cause or just a contributor to many of these things.
It's hard to get rid of if it's chronic. Like Lyme, it has 3 life forms - a spore form, and form where it sheds its cell wall to hide inside your cells from antibiotics or you immune system, and a cyst form.
There are a number of treatment protocols for this. They are long term combined antibiotic therapies. The bactera are much diff. than Lyme and so a TB type antibiotic (like rifampin) may be used. Flagyl is a typical cyst buster for Cpn.
If you have fatigue, exercise intolerance, low energy, brain fog and similar things - you'll also have to get the Cpn infection cleared up too to feel well. I can give you some links if you want more info.