"I've always thought that a herx reaction, while horrible, was a good thing and meant treatment is working. I would like to hear others' thoughts on this."
That's what we've always been told, isn't it? But as many of you know, I was treated by the doctor who you are quoting, Dr. Jernigan. It's opposite of what we've been led to believe, but I was on abx for five years and was sure I wasn't going to be alive much longer at the rate I was going. After two weeks in his office getting treatment (this past January) and two months on his protocol, I'm a whole new person!
Thanks to Deejavu for telling me about
him, who by the way, also got better on his protocol. She never went to his office but she bought his book, "Beating Lyme Disease" (second edition) http://www.hansacenter.com/beating_lyme_disease.php and got completely better from following his protocol in the book.
Yeah, it's hard to believe you don't have to herx hard to get well, but I'm shocking proof that it's true. My herxes have been very mild and I've only had about
three of four days when I wasn't feeling very well since I've been on the protocol. Considering I've been sick with this disease for fifteen years, I'd say that's pretty good!
Go to his website to learn more about
his treatment protocol if you'd like http://www.hansacenter.com/index.php
Here's a great blog that Dr. Jernigan wrote:
I can't believe more people aren't using this protocol to get better. It's saved my life and made a new person out of me. If you knew how horribly sick I was prior to treatment you'd be amazed. It was hard for me to go to Dr. Jernigan because of what I consider "unorthodox" testing methods. He uses Bio-Resonance Scanning (BRS) which I really didn't believe in http://www.hansacenter.com/brs.php. But let me tell you, after fifteen years of living with this disease, and five years of getting worse on abx, I'm haven't felt this great in years! I'm a believer now. This BRS testing is so far advanced over any testing that you can get done almost anywhere--and it's amazingly accurate.
Sometimes it's hard for us to change our way of thinking about
this disease, it was for me, but if you look at all of the lyme forums (I belong to three of them) you read story after story of people taking abx for years and still as sick as ever. Something's wrong with that.
Anyway, didn't mean to come across as a promoter for Dr. Jernigan, but if you're sick and tired of being sick with this disease, consider going on his two week protocol at the Hansa Center. They've got a special price going right now, not sure how much longer it's going to last but you can get the information off of his website.
By the way, if you do decide to see him, he has a great associate doctor working with him in his office, but when you call, insist that you get your primary treatment from Dr. Jernigan. He's an expert at treating this disease with powerful homeopathic and herbal remedies, many that he himself has invented http://www.jernigannutraceuticals.com/.
Many LLMD's and LLND's use his products for their patients. The therapies he uses in his office also very effective. You can read about
them here: http://www.hansacenter.com/therapies.php
If you have any questions about
my treatment, or the Hansa Center, feel free to post them here or email me. I'm sure Deejavu won't mind you asking her about
it too because that's how she got well also.
Post Edited (GWB) : 3/6/2010 10:27:19 AM (GMT-7)