OMG I can't believe you posted this!
I was a regular (and co-moderator)here a few years ago battling lyme and coinfections. Been feeling fantastic but in June of last year, started having abdominal spasms of some sort with a feeling of distended abdomen, bloating and something constantly stuck under my lower right rib cage. My LLMD immediately ran a CT and the only thing it showed was a fatty liver. She told me to lose weight to correct it and that was it. I have, since then, been having bloating, indigestion, and discomfort but not really pain in the same area. I cannot lose weight and have gained and excessive amount of fat around my middle which I never had.
Had been thinking (and treating) Mycoplasma, H Pylori, IBS, ulcer, GERD, etc. until last night when I started researching this feeling and came back to the fatty liver.
Now, I think after all this time, this is what it is!!
I'm kinda excited as its been way too long (and scary) not knowing but refuse to go to another dr. and have them mistreat and insult me when I mention lyme.
So I am going to start a liver cleanse, clean eating (yikes) and pick up my exercise once the nice weather starts. I'm also hopeful that perhaps it will help with my weight loss and peripheral neuropathy.
Good luck to you and lets keep each other posted with any luck we have.