Stressed and what helps? Nothing. I handle fairly normal stressing, but when it is Lyme/Babs. physically hitting, NOTHING helps. It is physical, I can feel it. MOst often a xanax helps the racing, insane feelings inside of me.
I walk w/ my dogs, trying to enjoy the great outdoors and MOther Nature, but this 'enjoyment' has turned to stress and fatigue. I read many books which relax me (along w/ the xanax).
But, Too often, my mind is not my own: it is sick, it is racing, it is confused and won't stop long enough to even to even pray. It is miserable and very painful.
I do enjoy the bird songs and seeing the wildlife outdoors. Even snakes. I rejoice when I see turltes, oppossums, racoons, bob cats, deer, coyotes, bobcats, a skunk, etc. Not exactly 'peace', but feelings that make it worth living.
btw, from what I have felt for 2 years now, there is no real peace and/or enjoyment for those of us w/ Lyme. That is the saddest part.