Those of you who are familiar w/ me know that I have total meltdowns from time to time --- and I am sorry. And I know we have been over most of this stuff already, but it's really getting to me right now.
My labwork from last year showed high, out of range numbers for EBV, HHV6, and Parvo virus B19. I took these labs to my Dr who is an ID Dr, so he knows about these. He commented that I have 'chronic mono' and said he didn't think the numbers for the other 2 viruses were high enough to be concerned about.
He has done a lot of research on HHV6 and he should know. However, I've been researching this (and the parvo) again, and according to what I have found my labs on these DO indicate persistent or active infection. I don't know if he didn't look at these close enough, or if he knows more than others out there, I was only relieved that he wasn't concerned about them.
But now, I AM concerned -- looking at all the links to HHV6, and the issues w/ Parvo. I am terrified that now I have chronic fatigue syndrome and/or MS and will never get well.
My mental state is also really bad -- and I find this linked to Lyme, of course, but also to Babesia, for which I am not yet receiving treatment (yeah, I'm having all those sweats and anxiety, as well as a really psycho depression). Plus, I just started thyroid meds, because I practically begged him to -- we know my thyroid is low. But also see these things (symptoms) linked to the viruses and even parasites, which came up in another post.
I want to be strong, and I manage to be strong for about 2 days per week, or only a few hrs per day. I am so sick of this and everyone is sick of me. I seriously want to die, yet I do not want to die. This should make sense to many of you Lymies, doesn't it?
Should I be asking him for an antiviral? How do these sit w/ abx? or w/ thyroid meds? I won't even get to see him for several more months, but will be able to have a phone or mail 'consultation.'
I realize that no one knows how these viruses fit in here. I tend to believe that mine were caused by Lyme, because immediately following that tick bite is when I started falling all to heck. Still, I was nowhere near perfect before and there's no way to know if I had any of these prior to the bite, (which could have laid me suseptible to LYme) . OR after the bite in '72.
Mostly, I guess I want to know what any of you virus experts out there know about HHV6? THAT one is terrifying me and I don't understand why my Dr thought my numbers weren't high enough to be of concern.