Hi seekingbalance,
I don't avoid everything especially things that have to do with my health such as detoxing and taking my supplements.. But I know I need to do certain things and I put them off because I have soooooo much to do! For example, I knew I had to get my car inspected and I kept putting that off, then I got a ticket so the very next day I got my car inspected.. Really stupid of me but I'm not going to beat myself up over that..
As far as getting infected with lyme, I didn't ask to get infected, no one does.. You don't walk around and say "hey tick, come and infect me!".. Or if I was born with it from my mother, I didn't ask for that either.. I think these are things we have to remind ourselves, that getting infected is NOT our fault... No one lives in a bubble.. At least no one that I know, LOL!
When I was sick I learned to stop reaching out to people that I adored because I knew they didn't get it (after trying to get them to understand) and never would (including my family).. I just stayed quiet and talked about other things (safe topics). I didn't make lyme the focus of my life even though it was when I was really sick.. I also found the forums (posts) to help me the most... That's where I received the most support, thank goodness for the lyme forums!