Posted 11/11/2015 3:07 PM (GMT 0)
Lymes treatment
OK. Herbs and natural treatment for Lymes. Tried on myself and my daughter. 3rd year now. I do not want separate every single bug, just use what kills them all. Keep simple and efficient. First- eat healthy foods (no gluten, sweets, processed food), second do yoga (breathing exercises, especially kapalabhati helps eliminate toxins and recharges your vital energy), third- start taking herbs instead of antibiotics- AB have strong side effects and create a lot of toxins. Start with Pau D'Arco ( dried -shimmer for 15 min , let it stand 10 min and drink, add some honey or agave syrup)- kills every bag from Borellia to Babesia etc. Increase amount as you continue (3 months at least) Throughout the whole Lyme treatment you need to take liver protection (Milk Thistle seeds - grind fresh seeds and take at least 3 tbls per day- however you want), good bacteria, either ready from the store or drink Keffir at least one full glass a day. Alternate treatments all the time. Oregano oil (wild) (kills everything as well) start with 2 drops 1 a day and increase slowly 2 a day 3 times a day than increase to 3 and 4 and 5 drops (10-15 days, stop 5 days and restart either the same or different treatment). You do not want to herx a lot. Cayenne, turmeric, Pippli or black pepper, coriander, fennel powder mix take every day ( throughout all lyme treatment)at least 1tbls with water or however you want. Cayenne and pepper- kills bugs and neutralizes toxins (helps to deal with heart palpitations and tremors). Coriander (alternative - Parsley) and fennel eliminates heavy metal toxins and soften them
( you can add Chlorella). You need to take through all the treatment at least 500- 1000 mg Magnesium
( eliminates muscle cramps and tremors) - Borrelia uses your magnesium. Magnesium is very important for the muscle and heart. You need to strengthen immune system- Humic acid or Mumio, Shilajit or anything else that is on the market and it is in its natural state that contains all vit. minerals and micro-elements. Pills are not very well absorbed by our body (multivitamins). Lysine and high Vit.C (Camu Camu or Kakadu plum is the best). Grapefruit seed oil and Goldenseal capsules or liquid, kills as well all bugs (acts like natural antibiotic- caution - eludes everything from your body, good and bad things and for a long run can affect your liver. Garlic as well- use moderate can aggravate your stomach. Candida is also killed by Pau D'arco, Vit. B3 (start with 100 , you will experience hot flashes and itching - its normal - capillaries are being opened, it will diminish with time, needs fat to be absorbed as well other vitamins) and Caprilic Acid found in coconut oil. Use every day coconut oil- very healthy. To my treatment I add also Vit. K2 mk7, it helps to distribute calcium in your body correctly- takes from where there is excess: veins, arteries, lungs calcium deposits, other places as well and puts it where is lucking (one pill a day- if you take too much you might bruise). There are many other herbs you can alternate in your treatment, Black Walnut and Wormwood (make a tea- not pills or capsules- less efficient), kills all parasites. Sarsaparilla shimmer for 15 min and drink, always add sweet, honey or agave syrup - bugs love sweet- acts like a bite for a fish). There are two more efficient treatment that kill all: Aluminum free baking soda - start with 1tsp on one glass of water with 1 tsp maple syrup. once a day, than increase to 2x a day and 3x a day. You might take up to 2tsp 3x a day. Just watch for the ph of your urine (6.5- 8.0 normal) it also cleanses kidney. The other one is food grade 3% hydrogen peroxide (find on the internet and read upon it).
With all these treatments always have in mind your body condition, exp. if your liver is not well , first you need to restore it with Milk thistle and other liver support, than clean it (liver cleansing protocol) and than start treatment. Use your brain and intuition. Read upon each herb that I listed or supplement before you take it if it is suitable to you. All those treatment help or even cure cancer as well. Good luck!