I itch, off and on, pretty much all over. Can't see any particular reason for it. From time to time it feels like bugs crawling on me, usually on my legs but sometimes elsewhere. When I look there's nothing there.
The soles of my feet hurt!! Sometimes I can hardly walk due to the pain on the bottoms of my feet. This morning I
ever so gently bumped my foot against the corner of my clothes hamper and was in excruciating agony for at least 5 minutes. The pain seemed like it just wouldn't stop!
Also, for some reason I have calluses growing at an unheard-of-rate on the bottoms of my feet....they seem to be contributing to the pain as well.
When I woke up this morning three of my toes were swollen like little balloons. My feet are red....no, really more
purple than red. One toe has something on it that looks sort of like a bug bite, but it's purple and itchy both top and bottom.
My lower legs look purple-ish too...resembling lots of varicose veins, but not. OK, it doesn't make sense to me either.
Yes, I know I sound completely off my rocker!
But I'm not, as far as I know.
I asked my rheumy about
the "bugs crawling", he said it was diabetic neuropathy. The only problem with that theory is that I don't actually have diabetes. My last A1C was 6.1, but that's more pre-diabetic AFAIK. My endocrinologist says I'm not diabetic.
Do the other symptoms sound diabetic in nature? Or should I bring up the dreaded "M" word??
I do have a small skin lesion on my face that is not healing, but I haven't pulled any multi-colored fibers out of it yet, so maybe I don't have to worry about
What do you guys think????? Please share any thoughts you have! Does anyone else have anything like this going on?? I seem to remember a similar post by +Lyme a while ago....or am I mixed up?