Has anyone out there lost your sense of taste from meds you've been on or on?
I'm on IV Rocephin and have completely lost the ability to taste anything. I have this constant salty/bicarb taste in my mouth. I can taste salty things if it's extremely salty. And sweet things are very nasty weird tasting.
This is called dysguesia and its very common if you've been on chemotherapy and apparently <1% of people on Rocephin have the side affect. woohoo....I'm in the lucky 1% !
The up-side is its helping me lose lbs cause there's no point in eating anything that tastes good cause I can't taste it. When you lose your sense of taste, you really realize how much you eat just for the enjoyment of it. But it really trips out my brain, cause I smell the food, then the corresponding taste that the brains assuming comes next doesn't happen. It's weird!! It's like sensory brain betrayal.
Has it happened to you and how long did it last?
Thanks for your input and prayers for a cure in 2011,