On friday night-- after I had used Teasel
very moderately for three days-- my imbalance and dopey head feeling came back with a vengance--- along with some nausea.
Still pain free all over, but feel like I've backslided into that terrible 'head' symptom that caused me to walk into a wall three weeks ago where I remained on the couch for over a week until it cleared.
I haven't walked into a wall this time....but it's the same sensation.
Head is buzzing and feels hot, ears are ringing like mad, shaky hands too.
The only thing I did differently was to take the Teasel.....so I have to suspect it as the cause of this relapse or herx reaction.
Couldn't reach my doctor for advice....so....
.... for fear of my body being overloaded with toxins I stopped taking ABX, vitamins....everything....for 24 hours just to give my body a break and a chance to catch up and relax. Hope this was a good idea!
Has anyone else had a bad reaction to Teasel ? Could it have caused this horrible head thing to return ????
I know it can be powerful and not well tolerated by some--- and totally ineffective for others.
That's all I can say right now....need to go lie down and wait for my head to clear . It took until 3:00 pm yesterday for that to happen well enough that I could walk around.
Another thought is that the Teasel was just a coincidence.....
....and that the real thing that caused my bad head was just another 4 week cycle of bacteria die-off in combination with the ABX working.
And just when I was feeling better !!!!!! Jeeze!!! I'm so frustrated and feeling hopeless.