As Springsjean said, stress is not a good combination with Lyme or any other tick-borne infection. The body is already under a great deal of stress with tick-borne infections, as they invade the entire body pretty much at the same time. Stress lowers the body's ability to handle both emotional or physical stress and can really run down the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are what keeps us going through the short-term stress. Our bodies were never meant to deal with stress long-term, this is why stress can be such a hazard to our health.
I have noticed with myself that even the perception of a stressful event approaching can trigger an up swing in symptoms. Things that I had never thought about
being hardly stressful for me - like my daughter starting college or my son moving out- my hubby noticed that I would start having not only more symptoms, but more severe symptoms as well.
It's best to know what your body's response to stress feel like. Then you have a chance to 'get a hold' of the stress before it has a chance to do it's damage.
I hope this makes sense, I'm getting tired...sorry.