Just as Tribriguy said "No one can understand this disease except we who have had this darn disease" - this is why it is so hard for even our own family members who live with us have trouble realizing what all we live with. Add in some fear for us that are ill and it's no wonder family members act like they do sometimes!
Also as Tribriguy said "can you imagine what we would look like if you could see how bad we felt on the inside, and that is part of this disease because as we try to go about
our lifes, we don't look anything like we feel inside"
This is so very common for those infected with tbi's! Here is an article that was written by someone with Lupus, but is so appropriate for TBI's as well:
www.butyoudontlooksick.com/navigation/BYDLS-TheSpoonTheory.pdf I for one, am grateful that my symptoms cycle around! Can you imagine living with your worst symptoms until completely cured?! ACK!! I finally got around to seeing the glass as half full during the course of my illnesses - for example; "At least I don't have to live with this darned headache for the rest of my life!!" or "At least I know that the foot pain every morning will soon be replaced with something else!".
Hang in there everyone! We all need a place to vent, so it's good that this thread got started, but for y our own health, be careful not to get trapped into a negative thought pattern!