I started IV rocephin (2g/day) in March. After 2 months, I developed a clot. My PICC line was moved to my other arm but after a month I got a clot in that arm! Now my GP is worried I have some other underlying condition that is causing the clotting (genetic clotting issue, blood cancer, etc.). I'm scared. My platelets were low but the rest of my blood work seemed OK. After my first clot, I was put on blood thinners (coumadin) but my INR levels were very low (1.5) because rifampin was counter-acting the coumadin. I'm not sure if that led to the onset of the second clot or if I have some other underlying issue. I go to see a Hematologist/Oncologist in 6 weeks....
I had a PICC line a year an a half ago for 2 months without any problems. Now I'm doing IM rocephin and rifampin.
Should I be concerned? On a positive note, I have made some progress with the Lyme. Rocephin really works for me (IV seems better than IM but that isn't an option anymore Haha).
It never seems to end.