My doc referred me to a chiropractic neurologist to address the electromagnetic radiation sensitivity. The chiro-neuro tested me with a milligauss meter and a hair dryer. When the hair dryer was about two feet away, my muscles went weak and I saw the fluorescent lights flickering. When the hair dryer was far away, the lights were fine and I was fine. He adjusted me, did some muscle work, and used a laser on some accupuncture points. Then he tested me again. I was reacting at 4 milligauss, and this time at 10 milligauss. My brain felt better. My hands felt stronger and less stiff. The infection-like pain I was having went away. However, all of this began to return the next day from using the juicer for two hours.
The chiro-neuro believes this issue should improve as the Lyme improves. He said it's the result of oxidative stress. Cell communication is thrown off because the body is dealing with too much. The nutritionist I spoke to earlier in the day thinks it's related to metals, although the only metal I know I haven't eliminated is aluminum, and then a bit of barium in my fillings. I will be getting Becker's The Electric Body book at the chiro-neuro's recommendation to learn more about this.
I want to add that the TMJ seems to be closely tied into electromagnetic radiation. After treatment and when I'm around my devices that produce waves at frequencies the body likes, the jaw joints immediately relax.