I had an amazing couple of appointments with my doctor the last couple of days! I am very impressed with her knowledge thus far.
I went through many dozens of muscle testing over the two appointments. I have three separate issues going on;
Celiac Disease (with the gluten intolerance)
Autoimmune disfunction
Lyme Disease w/EBV & HHV-6
I started a peptide therapy (involves series of injections) yesterday to restore the amino acid function in my bone marrow, to help correct the destruction of my red blood cells and chronic low iron stores and HGB levels.
- could Lyme have impacted this.... maybe....
I also started taking the following supplements and homeopathics on a daily basis (began today!)
Adrenal ReVive
CoQH-CF Ubiquinol
Vit D3
Lym (homeopathic solution to kill Lyme)
EPA/DHA Omega 3
Transfer Factor Lym Plus (for immune building)
Microbojen (herbal solution to kill Lyme)
Life-o-Zyme Forte (Enzymes to remove the biofilm and improve cap blood flow)
Neuro-Antitox II (to remove toxins, especially ammonia)
Total Mercury (homeopathic solution to help remove mercury)
NT Factor Energy (supplement to lessen my chronic fatigue symptoms)
Cerebromax (to remove lyme from my brain)
Probiotic (225 billion with 6 different strains to help restore the healthy organisms in my gut)
Laminine (to help replace my needed vicodin for pain!)
I was worried about the herx effect I may start and no symptoms of the herxing yet. I did have a small amount of increased energy, but my brain fog and severe mood swings were still an issue today. (not that I was thinking one day on these supplements was going to do anything).
I am keeping a Lyme journal for myself to help monitor my progress. I have so much hope today!!
I also spoke with my doctor about the thought I may have co-infections that are not showing up through testing. She agreed and said "it's like killing the weeds and allowing the grass to grow, sometimes more weeds come through as the process takes place" So she did say she thought it's very possible to have other co-infections that the Lyme bacteria is over powering the other bacteria to come through in the muscle testing. But, she will keep testing and we'll deal with more as they may come up. That gave me assurance.
In about 2 weeks (after she returns from the International Lyme convention in canada) I will begin different energy treatments, including;
Pulsar Machine
Energy Fitness System
Turbosonic Treatment
Photon Sound Beam
Detox footbath
Infared Sauna
She said that is when I'll really begin to notice the herxing increase! That is why she wants me to begin these when she is around, so she can monitor my symptoms!
All in all... I'm on a great path to recovery! I'm really excited about the potential this treatment plan has for me to begin to feel good! I don't know the last time I woke up and felt great, and I can tell this day is coming!!!
Thanks everyone!
I appreciate any and all input/thoughts/ideas/advice regarding this post!!