Are you aware that this doc is an Infectious Disease doc? Their guidelines for treating TBI's (Tick-borne infections) differs greatly from what the ILADS (International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society) suggest as the proper treatments.
Most ID docs, don't even recognize that there is such a thing as Chronic Lyme, which many of us here have. As a matter of fact there is scientific evidence that Lyme infections
can become chronic in less than 2 weeks.
We usually don't recommend anyone to use ID docs for these reasons, but of course there are always exceptions to the rules. I would suggest that you use our search function here (at the top of the page) an type in "ID docs, Lyme" and read some of those posts to get a better understanding of these issues.
Of course if you still choose to see an ID doc, it won't affect your membership here in any way! We will still be here to help you through this tough road.