Hi everyone - I just thought I'd share something that's been surprisingly helpful for me!
I originally decided to do a sage smudge when moving into a new room in my house, and I really liked the results. It's supposed to clear out negative energies. I also did one on myself, and felt a definite sense of well-being (at the time I attributed the uncontainable smile to the fact that I felt so silly doing it, but now I'm not so sure!).
The last few days I've been feeling awful - just really cranky, irritable, not at all myself, and definitely overburdened with stress and negativity that I couldn't shake. I felt like a hormonal mess and while doing some cleaning I came across a stick of sage. I did a quick sage smudge and have been feeling much better since. It's one of those things that sounds and feels a little bit weird, and I couldn't tell you why it seems to work, but it's a pretty easy and inexpensive thing to try, and I remember a lot of people posting about Lyme rage and the like - maybe it would help?
Basically you just burn a stick of sage and waft the smoke around yourself. Here's a link for basic instructions: http://www.ehow.com/how_4890764_smudge-with-sage.html