I have been reading about how your adrenal galnds need to be functioning properly to enable you to recover from Lyme and the various co-infections. I've come across a modified type of iodine that supposed to be very helpful. Below I've copied what Wikipedia had about it. Has anyone tried it and was it helpful? In the last paragraph it sounds like it could cause quite dramatic and benificial changes.
"Atomidine is a liquid iodine preparation that was recommended as a therapeutic measure in over 600 "readings" (channelled writings) by Edgar Cayce. The manufacturing method is called a "modified detoxification process" which involves a stage in which electricity is run through the substance; the result is "electrified atomic iodine", or "atomidine." The electrification is said to allow the Atomidine to continue to function as an iodine supplement — the original use of detoxified iodine — while also giving it added attributes that affect the immune system.
Cayce regarded this specially formulated “atomic” iodine as far easier to assimilate than other forms, and even gave advice regarding its preparation. According to the readings this mineral is a vital element in the makeup of the human body and is essential to the process of building new cells. It also was valued for its stimulating, balancing and purifying effect on the endocrine glands.
In order to gently stimulate the system and then give it time to adjust, Atomidine was to be taken in cycles that alternated several days of dosage with several days of rest. Many readings recommended only one drop per day for this purpose, although others increased this dose by a drop a day for several days—a regimen adopted by the A.R.E. Clinic after studying some 75 different plans.
In these extracts from some of his readings about Atomidine he says:
The Atomidine—that is activative in the glands, especially the thyroid, the adrenal and all the ductless activities through the atomic forces in iodine, the one basic force with potash—makes for a balance throughout the functionings of the body itself (636-1).
Within a few weeks…the system will be changed, and also the vibrations through the glandular forces that control the lymph circulation in alimentary canal as well as organs of the pelvis…the Atomidine acts as a gland purifier—causing especially the thyroids and the glands of the stomach, particularly the pyloric portion of the stomach and throughout the duodenum, to change in the form of secretions thrown off—and this affects directly the circulation (3104-1)."
I have been posting on behalf of my husband who is on Rocephin IV for Lyme and azithromycin for possible Bartonella. He also takes all the supplements suggested in the 16th edition of Joe Burrascano's Lyme treatment guide.