Although bananas won't
cause inflammation, they will however
increase any inflammation that is already in the body. Inflammation is something that a lot of people with these infections already have trouble with - even if they don't realize it.
An easy way to find out if they are affecting you - if you are eating bananas regularly, avoid them for about
a week , then eat a banana or two and watch for increased symptoms. If you are only having a banana every once in a while you can either eat two and watch for symptoms or just pay close attention when you eat just the one.
LOL!! Someone would have to send me some for sure!!
Giggle!! We don't even have a local Walmart!!! Definitely not a Target or anything else! As I said, I live out in the boonies!!!
I'll have my youngest daughter bring some up with her one day though - I gotta try this!!! Then I'll have to try it once my goats start milking again! Yum yum!!
Raw goat's milk isn't like cows milk. Even in Chinese Medicine they want you to avoid all but small amounts of dairy - unless it's raw goat's milk - then it's considered very healthy!!!
By the way - all I did in your last post was to make your link into a hyper-link!