Hi, welcome to the forum! I'm sorry to hear you have to be here, but I'm glad you're seeking out the right kind of help!
Unfortunately it's all too common for doctors to blame Lyme symptoms on psychological causes, simply because they don't understand what Lyme is and what it can do! You may want to take a look at the "New to Lyme" thread - it has a lot of really good information about
Lyme, including treatment options and information about
herxing, or the herxheimer reaction, which is a worsening of symptoms with treatment due to die-off, which it sounds like you may be experiencing.
Just a head's up - a lot of LLMDs don't take insurance, though insurance will often reimburse you for visits. You'll also want to make your email address available under the profile section so our members can send you doctor recommendations (we're not allowed to post names directly on the forum).
For information on finding a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor(LLMD) in your area, please email our long time member, Dan's Mother at:
[email protected] If you'd like more doctor suggestions, you can email stephanie at:
[email protected] You can also go to:
www.turnthecorner.org/bod.htm if you want to learn a little bit more about
Lyme Disease.
You can also go to The Lyme Disease Association and search for LLMD's 3 times in a month. You have to register first. Here is the link:
www.lymediseaseassociation.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=277&Itemid=74You will want to find an ILADS (International Lyme And Associated Diseases Society) doctor. The ILADS site is a great place to read to get you started on your Lyme journey.
www.ilads.org/lyme_disease/treatment_guidelines_clearing_ilads.htmlBest of luck!