There is a swab test that your gyne can do to check for several strains of mycoplasma. You can also get a live cell analysis, or electro-dermal screening.
I did not test positive on the swab test, but mycoplasma was found in my live cell analysis and my electro-dermal screening (almost every strain showed up). Because mycoplasma is lacking a cell wall, it is difficult to test for via traditional culturing, and if they don't test for the exact strain, the test will come back negative. Unfortunately, I do not remember the name of the lab we used for the swab test--sorry!
I was on Cowden (plus a few other things) and still am battling mycoplasma. I have heard of some people using colostrum and silver to treat mycoplasma. See: That didn't work for me, though, but it might be because (as I was told 4 months later) Symbiotics colostrum is not consistent in its potency, plus I've got mold in my house. It was recommended to me to try Immune Tree colostrum instead (no affiliation).
A second protocol is to use lauric acid, which is also supposed to kill lyme. This is the method I will be starting next month. (I am currently in a candida protocol and don't want to disrupt it yet.) Lauric acid is found in coconut oil and human breast milk, and it is a huge immune system booster. Lauricidin has the most consistent potency in terms of lauric acid supplements, I'm told (no affiliation).
A third protocol is to use a combination of garlic, olive leaf extract, and oil of oregano. As with any protocol, it takes a minimum of 12 weeks to kill off or put mycoplasma into remission.
If you want to read about antibiotc treatment for mycoplasma (although this is in reference to respiratory symptoms), you can read:
One thing I have noticed is that the UTI infection is improving as my candida protocol and metal detox continue. (The gyne said my infection looked bacterial, not fungal). Candida grows where there are metals to "protect" the body from the metals, and both metals and candida love to pal around with mycoplasma and other pathogenic bacteria. I also have mycoplasma in my lungs, so diffusing eucalyptus oil at night has been helping with this.
I hope you find something that works for you!