Even though my gut told me not to see an Infectious Disease dr, since I have not seen a significant improvement in my health after 6 months of antibiotics I felt it wouldn't hurt. Well this dr told me she didn't even believe chronic Lyme exists, that after 6 months of antibiotics the Lyme would be gone (even though I went untreated for 9 months), wants me to get a spinal to verify I even have Lyme (even though my blood work was 5 out of 5 bands!), suggested my symptoms I am mistaking for Lyme are from depression and anxiety which I do suffer from but come on! She also suggested I probably have chronic fatigue syndrome instead and that the Lyme caused this underlying condition to 'flair up', wants to retest me for about
12 different diseases I was already tested for that came back negative and said she wouldn't treat me for anything at this time and I need to see my GP and get treated asap for depression and anxiety. = (
I had been seeing a LLMD who I like and has had me on amox for a long time but I had to stop because of recurring yeast infections even after taking tons of acidophilus.
At this point I feel like my only option is to go back to the LLMD and continue the long course of antibiotics and hopefully figure out a schedule to keep the yeast at bay AND I guess see my GP for antidepressent/anxiety meds. I have already tried about
4 and none worked and gave me worse side effects. = (
I guess my question after all this rambling (although it does feel good to vent) is can't it take a long time to get better after going so long untreated and has anyone else been told they have chronic fatigue? I have read so much controversial info on infectious disease doctors and the insurance companies and the government and the way they treat patients incorrectly or don't even want to acknowledge that lyme even exists. If chronic Lyme doesn't exist why are people dying from it??? It's so frustrating...no wonder I have depression and anxiety!! I feel tired and achy all the time and can't enjoy anything and on top of this I use what little energy I do have to care for my 18 month old. I've just slowly started going back work...I am pet/farm care provider and although being outside feels great and the animals make me happy the time spent on my feet make my legs heavy and it takes at least 1 day t recover after a day of work.
Thanks for letting me vent!