(eta: This doc is a researcher/scientist and veterinarian, but still interesting as he relates his research to humans.)
This is a really interesting video article I came across about
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5g_PVSIA_0and an interesting PDF about
an interview of bart and mother to child contamination.
http://ncsu.edu/project/nsaudiovideo/pdf/breitschwerdt.pdf This Doctor is doing a lecture on Bart at NC State in October. I'm not promoting it and in no way affiliated, but it seems so rare that these types of lectures happen to the public, I thought it was worth noting and sharing.
https://onece.ncsu.edu/search/publicCourseSearchDetails.do;jsessionid=5D482A32171528FA15DE0C2DC699FF0C?method=load&courseId=559099&selectedProgramAreaId=5189&selectedProgramStreamId=5201 For those die-hard researchers, here is a link to an interesting powerpoint this doc did on Bart.
http://www.ncagr.gov/oep/oneMedicine/noms/2010/Breitschwerdt_Edward_Bartonellosis_The%20Hidden_Epidemic.pdfPost Edited By Moderator (borderlyme) : 9/12/2012 7:52:19 PM (GMT-6)