I've dealt with these symptoms for many years now, although I'm on the up side of them now!!
From the reading that I've done, ammonia on the brain is the culprit of these issues. This happens when our livers are bogged down or otherwise can't deal with all the toxins. The intestinal tract is where you will absorb the extra ammonia, so you need to keep things moving quite well down there - 2 - 3 times a day.
Many take milk thistle to help with liver function, and there are all kinds of things one could do to encourage good bowel movements 2 or 3 times a day. Try taking daily fiber - I use one that completely dissolves and has no flavor so I can add it to my coffee or tea!
Not to promote his products, but to make everyone aware that it's there, Dr. Jernigan has a detox tincture that deals with ammonia also.
**I get absolutely nothing for mentioning his name or products! I kind of wish I did though! LOL!!!***