I have been thru what you are going thru. One word of advice: don't take any belongings with you. I know this is very difficult to hear and accept but the mold spores and toxins they produce are on everything that you own. If you take them to your new house, you can remain sick. Even your pets must be washed and shaved before you put them in your new house if they have been inside pets. We had to leave everything behind in February and believe me it was tough with four kids.
I had DNA testing done and I carry the genes that make me suseptible to chronic lyme and mold illness. My LLMD said that anytime I am exposed to mold, it will set me back 20-30% and will have to begin treatment all over again. Anytime I go inside a building, I was told to look up and see if theres any water damage on the roof. If I see any, I must leave immediately. If you carry these genes, you will always have to be careful of mold exposure.
Our new home has hospital grade air conditioning with all the bells and whistles to keep clean air circulating in our home. This came after we had to live in a camper for over 6 months. Fun times.
I can tell if I am exposed after getting out of the moldy house. It will effect me terribly with exaustion, fogginess and my body feels like its paralyzed. Very scary stuff.
Oh, and get your mold testing thru EMSL Analytical. They offer the ERMI and the ARMI. I would start with the ERMI since it covers more mold species. If it is above 2, then it isnt safe to be living in your home. Even if you kill all the mold, the toxins that the mold created will be left behind and can still make you sick.