Please do watch out for yourselves tonight and for the rest of the time while this storm is raging! I'm counting on all of you to make it through safe and sound (well as sound as a 'Lymie' can be! giggle!) so that you can come back and help out on this forum!!
I do realize that most that are in the path will lose power - hopefully for not too long though - so stay safe, be wise about
the food you eat and stay dry and warm.
Get to cover if you are not prepared, please!
For those that didn't get to see this post before the storm hits, I'm sorry. If you are seeing it after the storm though....
How wonderful it is too have you back!!!
Take care one and all - you are all in my prayers over the next couple of days.
Hugs to all,
PS - Two of our Mods are in the path of this storm, so while they are not able to be here, please have as much patience with me as possible. I promise I'm doing all that I can.
If you really want to ask me something, feel free to email me, or start a new post with "Trav" or "Traveler" in the subject line. I'll get the hint!