I know from my experience that stress makes my symptoms worse. I try to do all I can to live a stress free life. But, sometimes life happens! My father in law passed away in March of this year. And today, we will burry my Granny. Weight loss gets worse, and the pains and anxiety go through the roof. I am two months into antibiotic treatment. Added magensium, detox baths, vit c, probiotics and relaxation techniques.
I went to pick up my antibiotics yesterday and I told the pharmacist Id be better off if I had Cancer. I receive the antibiotics for free at a local food chain store. He looked at my script (60 day supply) and said, "you know you need to be on these for a year!" I told him I knew from the research I have done but the Dr who prescribed them cancelled my follow up appt. After so many Drs and no diagnoses nor treatment it is hard not to be stressed out~ He said to call back to Dr office and tell them to continue with antibiotics. I wish it were that simple. I wish Drs cared and understood this disease.
I do not understand why there has to be so much controversy over Lyme Disease. Even AIDS which has a social stigma to it gets treated. It is not as if we have done something wrong....we were bit by a tick, flea, mosiquito....why the reluctancy to assisit someone in getting well? I see so many posts from others who like me, feel like they are dying at times. I have had my share of those days. Many days I lose sight of getting proper treatment. Who in this condiditon has the time, energy to do the research , continue to go to Dr to Dr or the will?
I wish there were more success stories. Thank you for those who share what is working. Believe me..I try it all~