I agree with bars about
the fish antibiotics . I order and use them for my dogs all the time ( have for years ) They work wonderfully for what ails them . I had a lady who was from out of country in the neighborhood ask me if I had any because she had an infected tooth , she took them and is well . From the research I did back when I was learning about
using them on my dogs to save on vet costs , they are manufactured in the same way as the antibiotics we get from our doctors , from the same companies etc.. the only difference is they are LABELED differently , which is why they can sell them over the counter . The quality is not suppose to be different . I am very tempted to take them at points , but was not convinced that antibiotics are the route I want to take . Thats hte onlyr reason I have not yet taken my fish antibiotics , I have on hand penicillian, doxycycline, metranazadole ,amoxocillan, list goes on