I'm experiencing new sensations – yay
I get hot flashes, just out of the blue, without the usual
sweating – my skin literally feels like it is on fire (but my feet are
freezing cold), when touching it it also feels very hot,
My feet are freezing cold, all of the
I don't sleep well at all, need a
muscle relaxant and antihistamine,
I dribble when I speak, and sometimes when I don't speak (AWFULLY
embarrasing ),
Sternal area is very tender and painful,
Dizzinessssssss... when I'm moving, it
feels like my brain is running behind, and then it goes a bit further
than the point of where my body stopped. At those moments, I'm unable to
speak, and if I say anything, I use the wrong words (like 'door' instead of 'television'). This doesn't happen all the time, fortunately.
BUT, since I'm doing the Epsom foot
baths, there's less joint pain (they're not gone, but I surely noticed a
difference) - thank you all for the detoxing advice throughout this forum (didn't get any from my Dr).