I stopped talking to my egg donor for over a week. Then she txt me reminding me about some bills, stuff.
I thoroughtly appreciated that help. I remembered, however she knows how forgetful I am. So I thought that was sweet and nice, and I thnaked her.
I thought, ( mistake,) that she was reaching out, to be nice...
( oops I made a mistake) ( can I blame it on lyme brain, lol j/k)
She offered if I needed anything at the store, and cause there was a sale I said yes.
But it was not worth it, cause I am all upset now.
she comes in, and starts nit picking me again, making comments about stuff, choices I made re: the house stuff.
nothing that comes close to my health.
I have people that help me with errands, and shoping. So I will stick with them.
the relationship I have with my egg donor is so emotionaly spiritually toxic , abusive like
cause I am so shaken by this,
for some reason, I thought she like turned a page or whatever the word is, looked at me, my illness differently
I was wrong. I cant take her anymore.