I'm a 6'2" 285lb 34 year old male from Northern Wisconsin and have been dealing with lyme symptoms most of my adult life. After years of different tests, I have been treated for everything else but chronic lyme disease. I currently take meds for anxiety, arithmyia and joint pain. I have never tested positive for lymes but have been given doxycycline after tic bites that I have received over the years, these treatments not lasting more than a week. As I get older I feel as if I will never feel any better than this. Here is a list of chronic problems I have.
- Anxiety/Panic attacks
- vertigo/diziness/equillibrium
- degenterative disc disease
- numbing of limbs, arms, hands, feet, legs
- stiff neck
- pelvic pain throbbing
- back pain
- decreased labido
- concentration problems/confusion
- excessive sweating
- increase pulse rate
- heart palpitations
- Sleep Anea
- stiffness
- eczema
- weight gain inability to lose weight very difficult
- coordination not as good as once was
- have difficulty saying what I'm thinking
- forgetful
I would like to know if there is any way to combat these problems with a more aggressive treatment or have someone point me in the right direction. I live near Hayward,WI and it is difficult to get proper medical treatment because most of the doctors pass out pills to mask the problem instead of getting to the root cause. looking for guidance,so please respond. Thank you