'Holly Herx!' - you just invented a new expression...
I'm sorry you're feeling so bad, I really understand you! I'm going through the same thing. Like Tickledpink, I don't leave the house anymore, just going to work (sitting here like a living dead), back home in my sofa. In the weekends, I don't even leave the house for groceries. I'm just not up to it... I don't want to see anyone, nor pick up phones, nothing...
Since I allowed myself this, I feel less stress. I just don't care about other things than getting well anymore. It's just about me right now, and about being 'able' to work so I can finance this disaster...
I used to beat myself up about not being able to do things, not being able to participate in social events, and so on.
I'm so terribly tired and worn out that I don't have the energy anymore to worry about it...
Hang in there, we just need to think that it'll get better...