Hi Jeminij and Shabby!
When I followed Dr. J's protocol it was from his first book. I have his updated book (the 2nd book) which has more information and is better organized but basically the protocol is "almost" the same. In his first book Lymogen was not invented yet (I had taken his Borrelogen instead). I believe one should take Lymogen if they suspect Bartonella.
So basically I took the Borrelogen for a couple of months with a Neuro-Antitox Formula (after calling up the Hansa Center, they suggested I take the CNS/PNS formula), I had many neuro problems, brain fog, etc.
Then after a couple of months I stopped the Borrelogen and took Microjoben (I still continued taking the Neuro-Antitox formula), then after a couple of months I took all 3 together. The entire protocol took about 10 months to a year (I didn't keep a log so I don't remember exactly and that was a long time ago).
So except for the time when I took all 3 botanicals together, it cost me $100.00 a month. Then add the cost of Epsom Salts, Hydrogen Peroxide for the detox baths, the dry skin brush for dry skin brushing, etc.
I took it on my own to add one supplement which was (and I still take it) Green Vibrance. Expensive but worth every penny. I bought an enema bag to do the coffee enemas from: http://www.enemakit.com
For the foot baths I had an inflatable foot bath from Avon and I already had the dry mustard powder and cayenne pepper.
I responded to the Borrelogen right away (first month I took it I felt better!) and I think (I could be wrong) that the reason for that was because I started with a "clean" body meaning I didn't have any antibiotics in my system.
Dr. J. did a LUAT Test (Lyme Urine Antigen Test) which compared 2 sets of people. One set of people took antibiotics and the other set only took Borrelogen. The test was sent to IgeneX and found that Borrelogen killed about 3 or 4 times (maybe higher) the amount of lyme bacteria compared to antibiotics. Interesting huh?
Anyway, I hope this helps,