Hi all,
I just wanted to let you know that Buhner's new Myco/Bart book FINALLY shipped. I will update you on some things I find in the book. Knowledge is power.......so I will pass it on!
And an update....
My heart rate has slowed down and I can't feel the palpitations anymore. My last visit with LLND went well. Somethings better, some things worse. Overall, my heart which was the most off was almost normal (YAY!) and some things went down a little bit but not much. My spleen is more stressed then it was last time. LLND believes that is because of the babesia. I also had been bruising really easily and she said that is also related to spleen stress.
I am on a new set of homepathics targeted toward viruses and parasites (light - body isnt ready for the hard hitting stuff like artemesia) with detox stuff and a WHOLE LOTTA vitamin B syrup (yum).
Still taking Japanese knotweed, up to full dose of Biaxin and Ceftin. Did not take long once I got rid of Houttuyunia. Always watch your body with stuff like this. I'm shocked that my herbalist knew to take me off of it and she was completely right, once I did it wasn't a problem ramping up on the Biaxin.
For those that have not been following my illness; I had an acute onset in October and then in January WHAM! *&$* hit the fan, weight loss, nausea, an hour of sleep/night, heart stuff, shooting stabbing pains, brain fog.
Now almost normal, still can't exercise much and brain is still 65% but hey that is Ok! Still not hungry...I guess that was one of my first symptoms so it will probably be the last to go away. There is hope!