I am sorry you are having such a hard time. I can relate to your post.
I also have Babesia and it flares every 5-7 days. The emotional symptoms of my herxes are starting to become worse than the physical ones.
I have not started treating it yet, insurance hasn't approved the Mepron.
I can assume these feelings are from the die off, or just the beast of the disease itself. I read that once the physical symptoms get under control, the last ones to go can be all this tough emotional stuff!
I too feel like a freak who cannot control my day to day thoughts. I can be angry, anxious, depressed, I just don't want to be around anyone to see me like this. Talking on the phone is hard!! Somedays I feel very happy, and I cherish those.
Try to up your detoxing. These neuro toxins seem to really "hang on". And this constant up and down feeling of these moods makes it tough.
I am interested in what others might have for advice. Take care. Know that you are not alone. I am trying to do research on how to get myself through this.
I hope you get some relief soon