my dear father is struggling with cancer
prayers requested, he goes in for chemo
and I am praying , trying to get a rife sent to him
in another country....
I just saw him after a few years, as he was getting some treatment in nyc, I met him at a hotel, the hotel had a dvd player, big tv, a couch
( suite) I showed him the movie, Under our Skin. It was perfect.
he got it, after all this time, he teared up, he was angry, emotional about this disease, he said the drs. didn't believe u, he believes me now.
thank you open eyed productions, for this film
he got it, so he has been emotionally suppporitve now with me and lyme
he has his own battle
I pray for more time for both of us.
thankful he understood before he passes, I cant handle this right now
I pray for healing miracles for him
and for all of us!
celebrate today, celebrate your life everyday!