Hi Tom,
Welcome to our forum! Sorry to hear what you are going through. Lyme is No fun. It sounds like you might be going through a herx. Also, doxycycline is good for early babesia, bartonella, as well as lyme -not great but it is at least partially effective for all three.
If you do have lyme - 10 days of doxy will likely be not enough. I was 22 when I got bit - given 10 days of doxy and 5 years later became very ill.
Many on here do the buhner protocol which is herbs, or alternative medicine. Some of the herbs have more research on them then FDA approved drugs. Specifically, Sida acuta tincture is indicated for babesia and bartonella - it protects invasion of red blood cells. Artemesia is the number one recommended treatment by the world health organization for malaria (works for babesia) There is a lot more on Buhners web site as well. www.buhnerhealinglyme.com
Unfortunately we all have our prior medical history which plays a part in how ill be can become or why we don't get well. That is why it is important to find a good caring doctor. On here, we only recommend seeing an ILADS trained doctor. Infectious disease docs will not treat you appropriately.
Feel free to ask any/all questions. Lots of information on this site.