I received the results of the Lyme Test today over the phone. It took twelve days to hear. It was negative. I am glad it was. However , I now must wonder what the heck I did come down with. It could have been some other kind of tick bite disease. Also I have been told the lyme test might only be 60 percent accurate. I believe I don't have it. Thank God! I am planning on continuing the herbal protocol of Monolaurin but a little less dosage over a longer time. My daughter mentioned I could have had the non polio virus Enterovirus. No matter, the protocol will handle it. I wish to thank all who helped me understand the Lyme problems and symptoms. Thank You! Also thank you for the encouragement into the herbal alternative to antibiotics. I hope to check in every now and then. Oh, by the way feeling much better! I am working on building my endurance back.